what it is, is a 3 hour event held at a park just for us dogs!

ive never been to anything like it, so i didnt know what to expect. and as usual, i was my timid self walking around the park with my tail in between my legs.

i saw a few interesting things. like these two dogs who had crazy colored fur!

and FREE kittens!

then i got to watch a bunch of bigger dogs do an obstacle course.

no thanks...i think i'll just sit here in the shade and watch!

and the highlight of my day...the dog park! ive never been to a dog park before. i was doing okay until my people let me off the leash...and i was free....free with a bunch of crazy dogs running around. i did meet several dogs though. most just said a brief "hello".

and i even met a fellow rat terrier like me! except this one isnt a toy like me. and he kept doing the butt-sniff.

and on my way out, i saw a Remington look-alike!

and look what i got to take home! treats!