Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Green Alfie

Random, quick update: I'm doing better with my food aggression issue. I know how to sit on my mat nicely like a gentle dude should. I realize that if I do that, I get my treat a lot quicker.

and I love treats!

It's not eaaaasy being green.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Gettin' Dirty!

This is how I spent my Sunday!

There, is my sweater dirty enough??


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Becoming a Pet

I've been told that I need to work on my "food aggression". Like I've said before, in the streets, it's every dog for himself. The other dogs in the shelter always took my food away, so now whenever I'm near food, I have to eat like there's no tomorrow. But my people don't want that. They want me to be a gentleman. The other day I growled as I grabbed my dental stick out of my person's hand. Snack time has become torture ever since. I can't get my treat until I'm calm (which means no crazy eyes and shaking), and I have to lay down. It's hard work for a crazy dog like me! Today's elapsed time: 40 minutes.


*waiting some more*

you know, I don't even want it anymore.

[40 minutes later] yay, finally! :)
maybe I'll do better next time?

Anywagz, here are some pictures of me enjoying the sun!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Alfie in Toyland

So last night Lady Whiskers and I had a stare off...
The talented thing about cats is that they can stare at one thing for a long time without blinking! Or maybe she did blink when I happened to be blinking, who knows! But after awhile, I got bored. Hey, I'm a young dog, I can't keep my attention at one thing for so long, so I decided it was time to play and I pounced on her. Well, it turns out, she didn't want to play. That old ball of fur never wants to do anything fun. Our wrestling match resulted in a small scratch on the bridge of my nose.

 Will it teach me to not mess with her? Probably not =)

Anyway, I'm still enjoying this warm weather. I never want it to go away! The best part of warm days is watching the sun set.

But I noticed something strange sitting in my backyard. I've never seen it before...*sniffs*

It was a bag full of old stuffed animals! My people are cleaning up some of their rooms in the house and they were sorting out the old toys my people used to play with when they were little kid peoples! I had a lot of fun with them!

They're going to donate them to kids who would love them. Until then...they're mine! hehe.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello, 2012!

Before I say anything else, I just want to wish everyone a belated Happy Howlidays and Happy New Year! 2012 already?! Sheesh! 2011 was an interesting year for me. I transformed from a stinky shelter dog, to a stinky house pet who smells like butter if I don't have a bath for a few days. I learned a lot. But I don't want to summarize too much right now. I'll save that for my adoption-a-versary which will be this coming Valentine's Day! I hope everyone had a great new year.

I don't get resolutions...I'm a creature of habit and I do whatever I please. But my people made some for me.
  • Continue to take Alfie on his daily walks. He has made a MAJOR improvement compared to the craziness that went on several months ago. People now look at him and think he's cute, instead of thinking "wow, what a giant rat!"
  • Work on his aggression/fear. We get it, he's a little man, but because of his size, people just end up laughing at him instead of getting scared. All people have to do is step on him.
  • Get those dagger claws trimmed! We keep putting it off. It's like Alfie Krueger status.
  • Maybe stop at more dog parks?
  • Do a better job at helping him keep up with this blog. There are no excuses, really :)
Yep, so those are the plans my people have for me! I'm really excited to see what this year has in store for all of us. And I do thank every dog and their people owners who have ever sniffed by my blog. I enjoy reading everyone's stories!

And did I forget to mention the wonderful summer-like winter weather we've been getting here in Cali? Can you spot me sunbathing? =)