Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello, 2012!

Before I say anything else, I just want to wish everyone a belated Happy Howlidays and Happy New Year! 2012 already?! Sheesh! 2011 was an interesting year for me. I transformed from a stinky shelter dog, to a stinky house pet who smells like butter if I don't have a bath for a few days. I learned a lot. But I don't want to summarize too much right now. I'll save that for my adoption-a-versary which will be this coming Valentine's Day! I hope everyone had a great new year.

I don't get resolutions...I'm a creature of habit and I do whatever I please. But my people made some for me.
  • Continue to take Alfie on his daily walks. He has made a MAJOR improvement compared to the craziness that went on several months ago. People now look at him and think he's cute, instead of thinking "wow, what a giant rat!"
  • Work on his aggression/fear. We get it, he's a little man, but because of his size, people just end up laughing at him instead of getting scared. All people have to do is step on him.
  • Get those dagger claws trimmed! We keep putting it off. It's like Alfie Krueger status.
  • Maybe stop at more dog parks?
  • Do a better job at helping him keep up with this blog. There are no excuses, really :)
Yep, so those are the plans my people have for me! I'm really excited to see what this year has in store for all of us. And I do thank every dog and their people owners who have ever sniffed by my blog. I enjoy reading everyone's stories!

And did I forget to mention the wonderful summer-like winter weather we've been getting here in Cali? Can you spot me sunbathing? =)


  1. We've been sunning, too; and snuggling in the cool evenings...

    -Bart and Ruby

  2. Happy new year Alfie, I hope that 2012 brings you much health and happiness!
    They are all very good resolutions, I'm glad people no longer think of you as a 'giant rat'... maybe your Kreuger claws have something to do with that!! :) :)

  3. Happy New Year, my friend! 2011 certainly flew by, didn't it? I look forward to hearing more about your adventures in 2012!

  4. hey Alfie,

    Happy New Year! May 2012 bring you and yours much love, happiness, fun, health, laughter, yummy treats, new toys, great walks and adventures, and even more yummy treats!

    Smell like butter? Very odd! Just what are you eating?! BOL! Anyway, what stinks to humans does not stink to dogs, so from a dog's perspective you probably smell just as you should!

    I think your humans have some good resolutions. Daily walks and more dog park visits always work! And keeping up with blogging, well, good luck! Even I am having trouble in that area. Can't do it without the human and she is not making the time she needs for me. But, I hope you succeed! I love reading your blogs and seeing the fun antics you get into!



    p.s. Your weather looks like mine, which makes me sad because I need snow. I am having severe snow withdrawal. :-<
