Thursday, April 12, 2012

Singing with William

We've been having some nasty weather lately but today I was lucky enough to be able to go on my walk and visit William. People in the neighborhood (including my own people) have been trying to catch him with no luck. They even let them go in his backyard. He walks up to them, then suddenly runs away. He barks and growls when people get too close. He sure is a slick one! Well at least I know the dog catchers might have a hard time trying to get him if they ever come around. Which I hope not!

Here is William waiting nicely in his flower bed.

Eating some of the food that we tossed at him.

We even had a quick sing off. I won of course. You can't beat my high-pitched yodel if you tried!

Oh come on, William. Smile!

"okay" :)

We didn't stay long because our singing out a little out of hand and we didn't want to make the neighbors angry. I had a lot of fun though!

and when I got home, I found these two love birds. The first thought that popped into my head was "lunch!" it's not every day I see such a loving couple, so I spared them their lives.


  1. Oh Sweet William! I feel so bad for him. If only he wasn't so scared! I hope someone will take time and gain his trust so he can have the loving forever home he so deserves. Gaining trust is a LONG process....but it can be done.... Maybe you and William can start a band -- I bet you sounded great together!

  2. Oh, William is just a sweet puppy, I hope someone can adopt him.
    Good thing there are you giving him some food :)
    Lovely couple of bird you have in your garden, Alfie.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Woof, woof,


  3. hey Alfie,

    William is such a cutie! It saddens me that he does not trust humans yet, but hopefully he will come around and allow some wonderful human to take him home. I wish I could have heard your sing-off! I bet you have a pawsome voice!

    The love birds are adorable and I thank you for not eating them. I have a parrot so I am partial to birdies. :-> Now bunnies are a different story...

    Hope your weather gets better!

